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It's Okay to Switch Your Passion

Writer: Melanie LeeMelanie Lee

Updated: Mar 17, 2024

Something I've heard of a lot, such as through our Instagram reel with Anika Kapasi, found here, is that many students in Saratoga High School and likely outside of our school as well, are barred by the attitude that changing what you do is something scorned upon and not recommended.

Although switching what you do can mean starting over, it's a lot better to realize it early than having to start up 10 or 20 years from now, when you've already gotten a degree in that field. Through this blog post, let's explore the benefits and positive outcomes of switching your passion.

Passions Evolve.

Just like you don't still watch My Little Pony when you were little, (or maybe you still do- no judgement), your interests can change immensely as you grow. And this was made especially clear when Career Compass went to Westfield Valleyfair, where we heard firsthand experiences from adults in the real world. Every single one of them was doing something that they never would've thought of doing as a child or even a teen, and a majority of them had no clue what they were going to pursue in high school.

Watch the full video on our Youtube channel to learn from diverse perspectives on career paths- from marine officers to aspiring pre-med high schoolers!

Combining Interests

Anisha's story reminds us of the fluid nature of passion. Although she was initially drawn to Computer Science, she later discovered that she could combine this interest with biomedical engineering to make a larger impact on her goals. Implementing AI and technology into her projects, she creates her own path through experimentation and figuring out where her passion truly lies.

Therefore, whether you're interested in both film and design, or english and politics, there are bridges to these seemingly large gaps, with the will to explore and continuously adapt to your curiosity.

Benefits of Switching

Switching can actually be a powerful catalyst to grow as a person and reach true fulfillment. If you're stuck in the same monotonous job all day, you might think back to when you could've swapped your career path, and regret that you didn't explore your other options. Even if you've gone down a rabbit hole of math or science and you've suddenly realized your love for studio art, that knowledge and background can actually help you and strengthen your skills in any future endeavors.

Embracing the Journey

The journey of switching your passion is not about giving up; it's about growth. It's about acknowledging that as you evolve, your interests evolve too. It's about finding the courage to follow your heart, even when it leads you down a different path.

Watch our mall video, Anisha's video, and more on our YouTube channel!

As you navigate the high-pressure world of school, remember that it's okay to switch your passion. It's okay to explore, evolve, and discover what truly resonates with you.


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